A quick search in Google Insights shows a very interesting trend:
Searching on the words "microsoft office upgrade":
The top five in order are:
- United States
- Australia
- United Kingdom
- Canda
- Germany
In the last 90 days, it's just the United states followed by the United Kingdom.
Does this mean that the US and the UK have put off their upgrades until now in order to reduce costs etc?
Then looking at just Australia, you get QLD followed by NSW and then VIC.
Does this mean the floods put QLD off and that NSW is just trying to cut costs?
There are a few pain points, especially in Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access or (MsAccess) as it's commonly referred to in web searches.
There's a conversion tool aimed at MsAccess, from a mob called converter technology. They don't seem to have a handle on Excel or even a way to check the network is optimized for the combination of Windows 7 and Office 2010.
We even developed a network speed/locking tester written in excel that can show up issues before Office goes into production. Now to write one in MsAccess that covers issues with DAO/ADO connections taking forever.
One of the most interseting outcomes of the Excel Speed Tester is that a good network environment can read and write your file fastger than alot of PC hard disks can. This means that having your files on an optimized network can be faster in some cases than on your hard disk. We do say quite carefully, "In some cases", because once a network gets busy, most of us can feel if not see the effects.
For more information on the Speed tester email me via http://www.macroview.com.au.
The whole migration story gets murkier when Office 2007 is also thrown in as this is a nightmare version in terms of upgrading/coverting macro driven applications.
Unfortunately for us Excel and MsAccess Developers, Office 2007 will plague us for years, and even now, companies are migrating to Office 2007, because some ignorant adviser said this was less risky than office 2010. They obviously haven't consulted us!
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