Friday, August 29, 2014

Samsung Android 4.3 update nightmare

My old Galaxy note had the 4.3 update.
Now the usb connection doesn't work.
Thank goodness we can copy the photos via the micro sd card.

Hoping another update fixes this.
We did try to put the phone into debugging/development mode but still it doesn't work.

What's funny is my S5 was updated to 4.4.2 and it works fine.
Takes a while to get used to the difference in the left bottom button, where you have to hold it down for a few seconds to get the app menus as a single tap is the switching option.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Windows 8.1 and Office 2010

Got the question at work last week about a migration to Windows 8.1.1 64 bit.
Funny how no-one even thought about Office 2010 and whether the 64bit version was a bad idea?
Let's see what they come up with now I have informed them that there is no benefit and just a lot of pain to go to the 64 bit versus the 32 bit version of office.
Most likely if something has been signed off by someone who has no idea, then it means a lot of changes to add-ins and VBA code that is used.

Thursday, January 09, 2014

sql server and tfs

Do you check in your schema of your databases?

We had the infrastructure guys extraxt the schema for each database on our two main prod boxes.
Then these were checked in to a team project for each database server.
If we had a larger development team we might have created a team project for each database.
Now to show all developers how to use tfs. Why do they make it so hard?

Dtsx packages are different as they are all in one project.
Made a mistake of adding them all to one project and then compiling tried to include them all. Be carefull of thos one.
Running barefoot or forefoot takes time:

After running a little faster with more focus on forefoot landing, we noticed our knees got a little sore. This might be more due to where my foot lands.
So today hit the treadmill in my vibrams. Hitting the foot with my big toe and one next to it first. How one's foot and foot muscles work harder this way. Maybe we just have to get used to this.

So for those with runner's knee or just trying to transition to forefoot running, it takes time and a gradual build up.

There's also the glute, hamstrings and hip exercises along with balance and running drills. So far haven't found the magic 3 exercises to strengthen your core for running. It's more like the dozen.

My list of core exercises for running include:
Wall sits
Glute bridges
Walking sideways with stretchy
Single leg squats on step
Quick straight legged jumps on forefoot (good for warmups)
Side plank

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Running without injury

Running without injury.  What an easy and difficult task!
You only need to do a few simple things to run injury free.
Finding this out isn't always easy.
I pulled a hamstring 2 years ago but still managed to run the city2surf from sydney to bondi beach.
Then last year I had a shin splint and ran the city2surf with my leg tapped.
This year I got IT band pain and was almost about to stop running altogether.
Then I found the solution and ran pain free in the city2surf (except for the usual muscle soreness).
Whilst I am still refining the solution, the sad part is that 90% of web sites, youtube videos and professionals (physiotherapists/podiatrists/doctors) only treat the symptoms and don't provide a solution so you end up with more injuries and more pain.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Pure CSS Multi-level Menu for IE7

I cannot wait until XP finally dies and everyone is using Internet Explorer 9, FireFox or Safari.
Until then ( around 2014) we have to cater for IE7 and * and sometimes 6.

Simple things like pure CSS menus can be a burden and other css 3 tricks which you jjust cannot use.
That being said, found this great little bit of code for Pure CSS menus which works for IE7 and IE8.

Although, I must say having multiple levels isn't very navigation friendly and this is just a design forced on me by a client and the simpler, less click model of navigation is always better.

This menu is just so simple and easy to set up that I had to link to it as most of the multi-level menus use java-script and in this case we are trying to avoid using that.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Toastmasters Distrcit 70 competition was quite interesting

Yesterday was at the Annual Toastmasters International Finals for District 70.
This is where the best speakers in NSW and ACT compete to go to America.

There were two educational's as well and they were great value.

Can't wait to use them when I do my next speech.

One was done by an actress and she spoke/presented about adding presence to your speech.
Couldn't get enough as she was so fluent and practical with her advice that the following presenter had a very hard act to follow.

The Dinner was quite a formal affair.

Nearly everything to do with competitions requires you to wear a suit or business attire and the Dinner was a Gala Dinner which translates not as a Festive Dinner (which is what Gala translates to) but as a Black Tie event in some circles.
So I wore my black tie with the little grey elephants!

The Winner had tried to perfect his speech for three years!

I'd better start making up my speech now...


Thursday, May 03, 2012

Off to the Toastmasters Annual Conference in Sydney in two weeks time.

After just missing out in the last set of competitions, I've decided to go along and check out the one's who've made it through a few levels and also go to a few educationals.

This is in two weeks time. So watch this space for more.

My speaking needs some tweaking. A bit like what I do with software! :-)

Need to add more flourish, annecdotes, livid comparisons and more structured and focused speeches.

Oh well more work but it's all worth it.

The President of our club asked me the other day, now I've done the first lot of 10 speeches, which advanced ones will I do?

Will pick a few so I can pick and choose the most appropriate.


Developing Word versus Excel

Had to tweak some word applications this week.

Now I know why word developers use select all the time.
It's the only way they can do things.
And what about how you cannot loop through processing pages easily unlike in Excel where you can loop through worksheets.

Now we have to come up with the ultimate document splitter.
Because there are so many massive merged documents which need splitting and renaming based on references in the first page.

Will have to publish some of my utilities soon.

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

How to select colours for Excel Charts in Excel 2007/2010

Microsoft Office 2007/2010 comes with the new office themes tabs.
Charts require 6 colours to be setup and then Excel uses this to generate charts with all 6 colours and shades thereof or as shades of one of those 6 colours.
Most clients will setup their themes without taking into account Excel Charts or the new data bars features.
In other words they’ll set the first or 2nd colour or even totally miss the 6 ones required altogether.
Themes need to be stamped per workbook otherwise they start with the standard out of the box office theme.
Most clients have between 2 to 4 main colours that their branding guys have supplied. What this means is that you have to create other colours or repeat the given colours to prevent non-corporate colours from being used.
In the rare cases where clients supply 7 colours, you just use 6.
Creating the other colours is a tricky process. Some colour wheels allow you to provide 3 colours and they’ll give you 3 blended ones.
e.g. Blue and Yellow blend to make a green colour.

This link provides a nice example

Tom Bizannes
Excel Developer Sydney Australia