Tuesday, March 06, 2012

How to select colours for Excel Charts in Excel 2007/2010

Microsoft Office 2007/2010 comes with the new office themes tabs.
Charts require 6 colours to be setup and then Excel uses this to generate charts with all 6 colours and shades thereof or as shades of one of those 6 colours.
Most clients will setup their themes without taking into account Excel Charts or the new data bars features.
In other words they’ll set the first or 2nd colour or even totally miss the 6 ones required altogether.
Themes need to be stamped per workbook otherwise they start with the standard out of the box office theme.
Most clients have between 2 to 4 main colours that their branding guys have supplied. What this means is that you have to create other colours or repeat the given colours to prevent non-corporate colours from being used.
In the rare cases where clients supply 7 colours, you just use 6.
Creating the other colours is a tricky process. Some colour wheels allow you to provide 3 colours and they’ll give you 3 blended ones.
e.g. Blue and Yellow blend to make a green colour.

This link provides a nice example

Tom Bizannes
Excel Developer Sydney Australia