Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Microsoft Access 2007/2010 Exporting tables to Excel

Interesting question:

There is a command in access VBA that's been around for ages called TransferSpreadsheet
Funny enough there are a few variables to do with te format:

acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12 --> this is to export as .xlsb
acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12xml --> This is to export as .xlsx


DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12Xml, "MyTable", "c:\temp\MyTable.xlsx", True

acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9 --> This refers to Excel 2000 format . e.g. MyFile.xls

The intellisense doesn't give you a acSpreadsheetTypeExcel10 or acSpreadsheetTypeExcel11 so maybe these don't exist.


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Rotating Images on a web site

Interesting but simple request.

Three images to rotate every 10 seconds on the front page of a web site.

Well this called for an Animated PNG. We first quickly tried an Animated Gif but the 256 colours makes pictures files quite grainy.

There is a Firefox add-in but it didn't work with our latest version so we downloaded a free but useful utility called "APNG Anime Maker."

Now the client has a very nice rotating set of images on their web site.

Just waiting for the next tricky bit of logic.

Just for your information, the alternative was some groovy jquery logic and even found that DotNetNuke has a free Widget Module called the Carouselat http://dnnwidgets.com/.

Still the Animated PNG is the simplest and easiest way to go in this case, but can see us using some jquery logic in the future for Web Development.


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

CSS Div Overlapping the footer area

CSS can be very tricky as well as being quite elegant.
Sometimes you wish you'd stuck to html tables, and with html 5 becoming more prevalent, everyone will soon switch back to tables.
One issue we had recently was overalapping divs.
This was caused by the heightr being set on a div on the right side so the bottom footer was appearing over the top.
It seems the div itself expanded more than it's height.
The solution was to remove any height styles in the div and everything fitted.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

How to best do an online survey or questionnare

Interesting question.

This was asked by a client for whom I do asp.net and Classic asp updates for.

Said they were better off using an online program like Survey Monkey.

Funny enough when looking, there are quite a few programs out there.

wufoo also looks good.

So for Online Surveys or questionnaires there are three things to look for.
  1. Is the audience internal or external?
  2. How important is the security of the information?
  3. What kind of reporting do you want from this afterwards?
Of course there are other minor items, like are there numbers? Are there lost of answeres requiring an unknown number of lines or tables rows to to generated? etc

Let's first look at the top three components and how the online and inhouse software can meet your needs.

1) If the audience is internal and the company is using Microsoft Office 2003 onwards, then the infopath tool is brilliant.
Once the audience goes external, then this becoimes a more expensive option and you would look at some online tools instead.
Noting not much comes close to the ability to add multiple lines with numbers and calcs as easily as infopath does.

2) If security is important, then that also needs to be checked and locked down. Emailing may not be the best option etc

3) Reporting always comes after and should be specified up front. What's trickier is reporting on open ending questions or multi-lined questions. This might even effect the way the questions are phrased

There you go, online surveys are go....There's lot of otehr components in successful surveys, but these three points cover the more technical aspects.


Tom Bizannes has a Business Degree and specializes in Microsoft Office and Web Solutions (Including SharePoint).

What's the perfect size Company for IT work?

Interesting discussion I had today with a new employee at one of my middle sized clients.

She said, that this employer was just right. Smaller firms had too much putting out fires, little tasks to do etc, whilst big firms had too many processes and fixed ideas.

When I mentioned the Six Sigma with it's massive failure rate in industry, she mentioned a very large IT firm that uses it. No wonder they've tried to outsource so much work from india, because there are too many processes to get anything done.

This kind of changes the way one looks at what companies you'd want to work for.

The whole industry is changing at the moment due to cost cutting, so even the sizes and types of firms that are good to work for are changing.

Even one company that aggressively promotes that it was voted a top firm to work for a few years ago, now with it's Six Sigma implementation and other processes, everyone there seems under the gun and not the most pleasant workplace.

As for me, as long as the company makes sure it's employees have access to plenty of Moccona Coffee, they are ok.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Microsoft Access Upgrade Issues

Had someone yesterday said it was too hard to upgrade a Microsoft Access Application to the 2007 or 2010 version.
Where do people get this idea?
Ignorance is not good.

My answer was simply, "We've done it quite a few times".
There are a few issues and googling Microsoft Access Upgrade quieries brings up 35 million results.

And "MsAccess Upgrade Issues" brings up just under 10 million results. (Pros like me refer to Microsoft Access as MsAccess and if you are googling for help, this is useful to know).

The main issues with upgrading access that I know are:
  • Moving the data, schema and logic to a 2007 or 2010 version, when you have access security set.
  • Dealing with hard-coded references to Excel, Word or Outlook
  • Some file manipulation macros
  • Generally dealing with really badly written code
  • ADO References caused by Windows 7 Service pack
  • New APIis if you are also using the new 64 bit of office
  • File Searching / handling functionality
  • Making the toolbars apepar in the ribbon
The one major item from a coding perspective is that the new versions of access are "fussier".
This means bad code is more likely to cause issues than ever before.

Also, Windows 7 running MsAccess 2007 or MsAccess 2010 can have issues which weren't there with MsAccess 2003 on an XP PC running applications on the network file share.
To prevent this, my Excel Speed app can show up some network issues, and one often needs to tweak the network and the PCs via some group policies and registry settings to fix.

Also one often raised question, is why not move the backend into sql. That's ok if you are using sql 2000, but from sql 2005 onwards, Microsoft SQL Server locks a chunk of rows at a time. So a well behaving multi-user application will start locking up when you move the data into SQL.
To get around this, ASP.Net is one solution, as it copies the record to memory and releases and lock and only writes back when it detects you have made a change.
Why they couldn't just build this into MsAccess is quite silly, as it would promote more use of Sql Server which can only be a good thing for someone qualified in Sql Server like me.

Converting your MsAccess Applications to newer versions is not tricky if you use a professional. ###

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Microsoft Office Migrations

Thinking of upgrading to Microsoft Office 2010?

A quick search in Google Insights shows a very interesting trend:
Searching on the words "microsoft office upgrade":
The top five in order are:
  1. United States
  2. Australia
  3. United Kingdom
  4. Canda
  5. Germany

In the last 90 days, it's just the United states followed by the United Kingdom.

Does this mean that the US and the UK have put off their upgrades until now in order to reduce costs etc?

Then looking at just Australia, you get QLD followed by NSW and then VIC.
Does this mean the floods put QLD off and that NSW is just trying to cut costs?

There are a few pain points, especially in Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access or (MsAccess) as it's commonly referred to in web searches.
There's a conversion tool aimed at MsAccess, from a mob called converter technology. They don't seem to have a handle on Excel or even a way to check the network is optimized for the combination of Windows 7 and Office 2010.

We even developed a network speed/locking tester written in excel that can show up issues before Office goes into production. Now to write one in MsAccess that covers issues with DAO/ADO connections taking forever.
One of the most interseting outcomes of the Excel Speed Tester is that a good network environment can read and write your file fastger than alot of PC hard disks can. This means that having your files on an optimized network can be faster in some cases than on your hard disk. We do say quite carefully, "In some cases", because once a network gets busy, most of us can feel if not see the effects.
For more information on the Speed tester email me via http://www.macroview.com.au.

The whole migration story gets murkier when Office 2007 is also thrown in as this is a nightmare version in terms of upgrading/coverting macro driven applications.

Unfortunately for us Excel and MsAccess Developers, Office 2007 will plague us for years, and even now, companies are migrating to Office 2007, because some ignorant adviser said this was less risky than office 2010. They obviously haven't consulted us!
