Sunday, January 16, 2011

Firefoxs addons for web development

Found a page listing 10 best firefox addons.

Some of these didn't deserve to be on that list.

There are a heap of them for checking the search ranking, and trying to find ones you've used can be hard like the one that helps you to clear your google cache so you see what others are seeing, plus a new one to get the mobile phone view.
Also one always needs a youtube downloader.

Here's three of mine:
  1. Firebug -
  2. FireSizer -
  3. MeasureIt -
If you have any other ones let me. Also one's for Internet Explorer or Chrome.
As you might figure, we use FireFox alot to figure out the css styles in web sites when changing them.

It's also useful to add your delicious and other link saving addons...

Tell us your favorites

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